Maxwell Discusses
Being Shipwrecked in Antarctica
Maxwell: I made
two southern trips to Antarctica in operation (clock tolls) Deep Freeze
and one of them went around the world.
Maxwell Discusses Prison
And I pretty much work now in-it’s called the Kairos Prison
Ministry-which is non-denominational. And-which we put on these weekend
events which runs from Thursday evening through Sunday, which we invite
a selected, chosen members and usually we try to get the leaders in the
prison to come in and join us as a team of men who have prepared
together and become really one body and we invite them, they come and
they stay with us. We feed them and do all kinds of things-you know-pray
with them and just accept them like they are and love them like they
are. And hopefully, they will experience God’s love in that manner, in a
very special way and we don’t go there to condemn them or anything like
that. Just go there to accept them, and we really hope that they will
change their lives and the ministry is totally non-denominational. We
have people from all faiths-as long as they’re Christian. We look at the
common-our common ground, that’s what we work with, is our common ground
as Christian believers. And when-a lot of men do change their lives.
Maxwell Discusses Air Conditioning Consolidation (Play Audio)
Most of the stuff that’s being put in will be there for long term and it
needs to be for long term use so you don’t keep revisiting and spending
money on the same thing over and over again. And they’ve done a-do a
better job of planning every yeah. We’re getting smarter at it, even our
chill water systems that we’re doing now ‘stead of-we used to have
little chillers all over the place-little air conditioners-all over this
place. And now we have beautiful green spots out there, flower gardens,
there’s patios there’s all kind of things where we used to have air
condition chillers. And only those that’ve been here for a while would
really know that. And it’s been nice, ‘cause every time you put in one
of those big chiller plants-like we have in back of the library
here-that means we’re eliminating a lot of the smaller stuff and just
Maxwell Discusses Bob Betts
Audio) Maxwell: I don’t know if you were here when the lead electrician for many years here was Bob Betts. And he had a stroke-probably about five or six years ago, maybe a little longer and could no longer be with us and he was here for about thirty years and ‘course he always-learned a lot just watching Bobbie and how he worked with people. No matter how much work he had he was always happy to get more it seemed like and knowing that he couldn’t keep up with it at all.
Maxwell Discusses his Philosophy on
Audio) Maxwell: I’m basically a happy person; I think things like that are a choice. If you want people to love you, you love them. And if you want people to be happy for you to be around, you be happy when you’re around them. And so, my Rollins career is just something-to me-to come here and work is a joy. I really love coming to work.