Library Strategic Planning Taskforce Reports
August 2003



Information Fluency
Space & Facilities


Collections Taskforce Goals and Objectives:

Develop, organize, preserve, promote, assess, and provide access to the library's collections.

  • Organize a timely review of the library's collections in all formats.
  • Establish weeding procedures to include a process for the distribution of withdrawn items.
  • Provide greater access to the collections of the Archives & Special Collections Department.
  • Expand the current collection development policy.
  •  Develop a volunteer program to assist in collection projects.



Instruction/Information Fluency Task Force Goals and Objectives:

Strengthen and assess information fluency skills throughout campus.

  • Develop guidelines for library instruction and information literacy programs.
  • Assess students' information fluency skills:
  • Ongoing implementation and assessment of information fluency testing of first year students
  • Standardized pre-test assessment of IFT 106 students
  • Teach students information fluency skills (including critical thinking, computer, and information literacy skills) through formal instruction classes and informally through reference desk service.
  • Identify methods for integrating information fluency into the college curriculum.
  • Continue to develop innovative workshops, seminars, and opportunities for collaboration with faculty.
  • Assess faculty needs for information fluency through surveys and/or focus groups to determine integration of IF into the curriculum.
  • Develop online resources for the encouraging information fluency.

Develop library personnel skills.

  • Provide training for technological changes in software and hardware to include SIRSI upgrades, OCLC, and other relevant tools.
  • Provide ongoing professional development through workshops and courses.

Communicate about library resources, services, and events to the campus and local community.



Technology Taskforce Goals and Objectives

Provide remote access to Library online databases by all students, faculty, and staff of Rollins College.

  • Make use of referring URL and other forms of access where offered by database providers.
  • Investigate using a proxy server or other technology to make databases accessible off-campus. I.T. representative and electronic resource librarian will work with database contractors to determine methods and estimate costs by May 2004.

Review and revise the Olin Library Web page.

  • Weekly maintenance of site coordinated by electronic resource librarian.
  • Library departmental representatives determine needs and generate content as appropriate.
  • Evaluate site as a whole annually, using hit statistics and user feedback, to determine needs.
  • Maintain budget for training or outside contracting to make use of new Web technologies.  

Regularly assess technology needs and implement upgrades.

  • Upgrade and evaluate OPAC regularly based on technical service needs, public services needs, and available releases.
  • Electronic resources librarian monitors needs for library hardware and software.
  • Maintain budget for technological upgrades and future needs.

Maintain and improve peak-time access to subscription online databases.

  • Observe access speeds at peak times of the day, semester, and year.
  • Obtain recommendation from Information Technology department by May 2004. Possible solutions: to install a separate line for the Library, costing approximately $1,000 per month plus initial installation, or architecturally isolate Olin traffic from mainstream traffic.

Explore and implement digitization projects to improve access to library materials and to increase awareness and preservation of special collections.

  • Develop and maintain standards of digitalization and procedures.
  • Organize project team to seek grant support for digitization.
  • Promote the use of electronic reserves by instructors.

Maintain representation to and from the Information Technology department.

  • Electronic resources librarian acts as liaison to I.T. department.
  • I.T. representative to Olin will be kept aware of Library needs and issues.

Standardize terminology and records in the online catalog.

  • Encourage library faculty and staff to report cataloging errors and problems.
  • Rebuild the catalog at least twice yearly.
  • Update subject headings every five years-estimated cost:  $20,000.



Space & Facilities Taskforce Goals:

Provide an adequate facility for the housing of collections, instructional, and study areas, and informal intellectual spaces.


  • Adequate shelving for the long-term growth of the collection
  • Informal social and intellectual space to encourage a sense of community
  • Professional, inviting, and well organized entrance floor
  • Space appropriate to the size and use of particular collections

Potential strategies for achievement of our goal:

  • Re-evaluate all collections (General Collections, Government Documents, Periodicals, etc.) for relevance to the curriculum
  • Consider access to, rather than ownership of, some scholarly information
  • Consider hiring a consultant to conduct a space utilization study
  • Work with other departments on campus to create a cooperative storage facility on or off-site for little-used materials
  • Evaluate signage regularly to improve navigation and make services and collections more accessible
  • Evaluate comfort, temperature, and privacy issues for all offices and public spaces on a regular basis