The Henry Nehrling Collection

Photo Gallery


Catalog of the Henry Nehrling Collection


Nehrling Photo Gallery
A portrait of the Nehrling family. In the front, from left to right, are Henry Nehrling, Berthold, Hulda, Hedwig, Werner, and Nehrling’s wife, Sophie.
In the back, from left to right, are Hildegard, Lydia (Nehrling’s assistant at the museum), Bruno, Walter, and Arno.
Most of Nehrling’s sons attended the Henry Shaw School of Botany at Washington University. Walter became Professor of Botany at the Illinois State Normal School and Arno was Professor of Floriculture at Cornell University.

Nehrling's home in Gotha, Florida. 

Henry Nehrling's son, Bert Nehrling, standing by a Sago Palm at their home in Gotha, Florida, 1909.
Nehrling pictured with a tropical plant (Pandannus Veitchii), at his Naples property, 1926.
Henry Nehrling in 1924.
Henry Nehrling pictured with tropical fruit.
Henry Nehrling (center) with two of his sons: Arno at the left and Walter the right.
"Glimpses of a Florida Grove."  A postcard photo of Henry Nehrling's Gotha, Florida property.
"A Few Henry Nehrling's Caladium Creations."   Nehrling named these hybrid caladiums for people who were important to him.

Edith Mead was the wife of Theodore L Mead.

Mrs. W. D. Halderman was a close friend of Henry Nehrling.

T. L Mead was Nehrling's longtime correspondent, friend and fellow naturalist.

Mrs. Arno Nehrling was Henry's son's wife.

Frieda Hempel was the wife of Gothian H. A. Hempel, the founding father of Gotha, Florida.

Henry Nehrling was Awarded the Meyer Medal for Distinguished Service in Plant Exploration by the Miami Garden Club.